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An Outstretched Hand: The Outsource with Allie Huddleston

Did you know UK has an LGBT outreach center? In this podcast, Gender and Women's Studies junior Allie Huddleston, the co-director of UK's LGBT outreach center the OUTsource, tells us what the OUTsource does and how interested students may get involved. If you would like more information about the OUTsource, you can visit their office in the Student Center.

This podcast was produced by Sam Burchett.

The Perks of Being an Ambassador: Jennifer DeLuke

Jennifer DeLuke is an A&S Ambassador, one of a select group of undergraduate students that represent the College of Arts and Sciences to prospective students and help with A&S events on campus. In this podcast, DeLuke gives an insider's perspective to the jobs an A&S Ambassador does, as well as some reasons why others might want to apply for the position as part of their undergraduate experience.

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