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UK Professors Give a Positive View of LGBTQ Identities

What was expected to be a small project attracted such an inspiring amount of positive feedback from the community, that the authors wanted to share the stories with a broad audience. Using personal narratives from their research, their book focuses on how LGBTQ-identified individuals can cultivate a sense of well-being and a personal identity that allows them to flourish in all areas of life.

Meet Melissa Stein: New Faculty 2011

At the beginning of the Fall 2011 semester, we met with all of the new faculty hires in the College of Arts and Sciences. This series of podcasts introduces them and their research interests. Melissa Stein is an assistant professor in the Department of Gender and Women's Studies and researches scientific and cultural constructions of the body around race, gender, and sexuality.

Representations of Lesbians and Mothers in Literature: Catherine Brereton

Catherine Brereton's recent research was featured in a poster session at the Lexington Farmer's Market in mid-September 2011. Her work focuses on representations of lesbians, mothers, and lesbians as mothers in literature. The poster session was presented by the Chellgren Center, the Office of Undergraduate Research, and the Society for the Promotion of Undergraduate Research. Brereton was mentored by professor Susan Bordo

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