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GWS News

Check out some of Carol Mason's recent media/publications:

GWS held our annual awards day on Monday, April 29, 2024.  Congratulations to all of our award winners!

  • 2024 Joan Callahan Award for Scholastic Achievement:  Blair Fraley & Mariana Escobedo de la Pena
  • 2024 Kate Black Award for Activism:  Sajida Megariaf
  • 2024 Jan Oaks Feminist Creativity Award: Sophie DeCorte
  • 2024 Space, Place, & Southern Grace Fund for Feminist Studies: Mariana Escobedo de la Pena
  • GWS graduate certificate awardees: Adrian Godboldt
  • 2024 OPSVAW Graduate Fellowship: Lee Mandelo & Snehal Sharma

Jenn Hunt has been promoted to the rank of Full Professor!

Frances Henderson has been granted tenure as Associate Professor!

Carol Mason was a finalist for the 2024 Carnegie Fellows Program. 

Aria Halliday's "For the Love of Black Girls: Building Black Girlhood Studies as a Lifejacket" is being published in The Routledge Companion to Girls' Studies in April, 2024.  

Lukas Bullock was selected as a recipient of the 2024 UK Outstanding Teaching award, in the TA category.  Congrats, Lukas!  See pictures below from the awards ceremony. 

Jingxue Zhang & Lukas Bullock have been awarded a 2023-2024 College of Arts & Sciences Certificate for Outstanding Teaching. Congratulations!!!

Nelson Jiajie Meng won the 2024 graduate student paper prize at the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies and was accepted to the 2024 Feminist Decolonial Politics Workship taking place June 4-7, 2024.  Congratulations, Nelson!

Congratulations to Mariana Escobedo de la Pena for being awarded the 2024 Space, Place, and Southern Grace for Feminist Studies Scholarship. 

Frances Henderson is the President of WGS-South.  Congrats, Frances!

Anastasia Todd's book Cripping Girlhood is being published in May.  Congratulations!!!

Elizabeth Williams' book Primitvie Normativitiy:  Race, Sexual.ity, and Temporality in Colonial Kenya was published in Jan, 2024.  Congrats, Elizabeth!

Congratulations to Charlie Zhang, who was funded for his project on "Transpacific Affective Circuits:  Mapping Speculative Valuation of Life, Afterlife, and No-Life" by UNITE and was also chosen to attend the East-West Center's Summer Institute funded by the Luce Foundation. 

Charlie Zhang was elected as Vice Presidents of the Southeast Regional Conference of the Association for Asian Studies.  Congrats!

Jenn Hunt won the 2024 A&S Innovative Teaching Award.  Congratulations!

Congratulations to Srimati Basu who was chosen for the Inaugural Georgia Davis Powers Endowed Professor in Arts & Sciences!

Congratulations to Lee Mandelo, whose book Feed Them Silence is listed in the 2023 NPR Books We Love list!  and Lee's book The Woods All Black was also recenlty published. 

Congratulations to Rebecca Lentjes, whose paper "Solidarity in Vulnerability: Abortion Funds and Everyday Modes of Resistance", was selected as an honorable mention finalist for the 2023 Wise-Susman Prize from the American Studies Association.

You can read the Fall 2023 GWS Newsletter here

Check out the second installment of the GWS Undergraduate Newsletter here

Congratulations to Lukas Bullock, whose article "Exporting Sexköpslagen: Sweden, Sex Work, and the Moral Stakes of Externalizing Feminist Policy" has been published in Sexuality Research and Social Policy.

Congratulations to Carol Mason, who has been appointed A&S Otis A. Singletary Chair in the Humanities, 2023-2027.

Congratulations to Elizabeth Williams, who is the recipient of the 2023 UK Outstanding Teaching Award. 

Congratulations to Aria Halliday, who has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure!

Congratulations to Ellen Riggle, who received first place in the Carnegie Center's Harriet A. Rose Legacies writing contest.

Congrats to Lukas Bullock, who was selected as a finalist for 2023 Grad Teach Live!

Congratulations to Charlie Yi Zhang, recipient of the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies 2023 Outstanding Book Prize for his book Dreadful Desires: The Uses of Love in Neoliberal China!

Congratulations to Anastasia Todd, whose upcoming book Crippling Girlhood has been chosen for the 2022 Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities. You can read the announcement here.

New Documentary Released -- Becoming Myself: Positive Trans & Nonbinary Identities The film is available to watch for free on the YouTube channel at The ten-minute film features narratives from the lives of seven transgender and nonbinary identified young adults who discuss the positive aspects of their identities and offer support for other transgender and nonbinary people. Individuals featured in the film reflect on their experiences navigating gender identity and how their journey has impacted them.   The film is directed and produced by Michael Breeding (Michael Breeding MEDIA); Executive Producers Zakary Clements, Ellen D.B. Riggle, and Sharon S. Rostosky; with funding support from JustFundKY.


Awards Day 2023












Lukas Bullock & Srimati Basu

Outstanding Teaching Ceremony